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What to Say to Someone Who Lost a Parent or Loved One

By Matt Berical — 2021

No matter what you say to someone whose parent or loved one died, it should be derivative of the same goal: communicating empathy and offering assistance, understanding what a person might need from you, and knowing how to phrase sentiments the right way.

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Divorce Is Hard. Here’s How You Can Help Those Going Through One.

From grand gestures to small acts of kindness, there are several ways to show your support.

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10 Ways to Help Someone Going Through a Divorce

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Don’t Say These Things to Your Friend Going Through a Divorce

People going through divorce are bound to feel a world of emotions—sometimes all within 10 minutes—and a good friend listens to them and validates their feelings with empathy, not pity.

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How to Support a Friend Through a Tough Divorce or Separation

Supporting a friend through divorce is never easy. Here are 5 things to consider when helping a friend go through the trials and tribulations of divorce.

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How to Support a Friend Going Through a Divorce

Show up, and keep showing up. Pizza helps, too.

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How Withholding Can Lead to Divorce

Withholding, what is it? Well it is a defined as an emotionally abusive behavior or tactic, a form of denying, refusing to communicate or do something for your partner as a punishment.

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Death or Loss of a Parent