By Mayo Clinic
Social anxiety disorder can be a chronic mental health condition, but learning coping skills in psychotherapy and taking medications can help you gain confidence and improve your ability to interact with others.
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Being a mom with anxiety, hard as it is, is actually the only kind of mom I want to be.
Something that seems to be taboo among the mommy community is feeling like you aren’t cut out for motherhood or “complaining” — for lack of a better word — about how motherhood is just too hard.
My sister asks if she can take my son, her nephew, to the park—I say no, because if she were to get into a car accident with him and he died, I could never forgive her.
I couldn't stop it, I couldn't control it and I was wasting these amazing years with our two little kids because I was too embarrassed and because I resented these feelings.
I was diagnosed as a teenager with generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety. Everything gave me anxiety: people, schoolwork, making decisions—it all made me panic. Over time, I learned strategies to handle my anxiety. Then I had kids.
As a mom with anxiety and depression, my mind doesn’t stop.
How motherhood breeds anxiety.
When anxiety strikes, it prevents me from being the mother I want to be. I am not able to be present with my children. I am somewhere else, a captive to my thoughts. I’m supposed to be the grown-up, but I morph into a child—totally powerless and vulnerable.
When you experience mom guilt, remember . . . You are enough.
Health and wellness touch each of us differently. This is one person’s story.