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Feeling Weighed Down by Regret? What Helps Me Let Go

By Nancy Candea

If we can process our regrets with tenderness and compassion, we can use these hard memories as a part of our wisdom bank.

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Developing a Conscience: Knowing the Difference Between Right and Wrong

There are various developmental theories that go into the tool kit that parents and educators utilize to help mold caring and ethically intact people, including those of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg.

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How to Raise a Kid with a Conscience in the Digital Age

Nudge kids to be their best selves by encouraging them to consume positive, inspiring media and online content.

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Regretting Motherhood: What Have I Done to My Life?

I love my kids fiercely. But, if I’m being totally honest, there are times when I catch myself dreaming about the life I might have if I weren’t chained to three young kids, a husband and a mortgage.

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The Two Reasons Parents Regret Having Kids

Feelings of ambivalence about parenthood aren’t necessarily going to do harm to children. But when regret suffuses the parent-child dynamic, the whole family can suffer.

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Dealing with Disappointment: Michele Borba’s Guide for Raising Kids Who Don’t Fall Apart (Even During a Pandemic)

A lot of children today fall apart when they experience disappointing setbacks.

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Preventing Parent Burnout

Meeting the emotional challenges of caring for children with mental health issues. Parenting is hard work, and parenting a child with mental health issues is exponentially harder.

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A Shift in American Family Values Is Fueling Estrangement

Both parents and adult children often fail to recognize how profoundly the rules of family life have changed over the past half century.

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The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children

As a marriage dissolves, some parents find themselves asking questions like, “Should we stay together for the kids?” Other parents find divorce is their only option.

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Teaching Your Child Emotional Agility

It’s hard to see a child unhappy. Whether a child is crying over the death of a pet or the popping of a balloon, our instinct is to make it better, fast. That’s where too many parents get it wrong, says the psychologist Susan David, author of the book “Emotional Agility.

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4 Big Emotions to Talk About With Little Kids

The different ways your child behaves actually stems from a list of four complex emotions. Here’s how explain them to your child in a way they’ll understand so they can learn to manage them.

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Emotional and Mental Health