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Feeling Weighed Down by Regret? What Helps Me Let Go

By Nancy Candea

If we can process our regrets with tenderness and compassion, we can use these hard memories as a part of our wisdom bank.

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Wounded Veteran Shares Stories of Resilience

When Dave Roever was in the Navy during the Vietnam War, “resiliency” and “comprehensive soldier fitness” took a backseat to combat operations.

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A New Prescription for Depression: Join a Team and Get Sweaty

Research shows exercise can ease things like panic attacks or mood and sleep disorders, and a recent study in the journal Lancet Psychiatry found that popular team sports may have a slight edge over the other forms of physical activity.

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The Power of Positive Self-Talk

The line between failure and success can come down to something as simple as self-talk. Powerful and positive self-talk can change your entire mindset, which can affect your actions.

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Emotional and Mental Health