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An Introduction to Movement Meditation

By Stuart Heller — 2022

To make sense of the movements of life, many ancient traditions use paradigms and models that in English are translated as “energy.” The Hindu traditions often use the term Shakti, that without which nothing happens. This refers to the feminine aspect of the Divine. In ancient China, they spoke of the Dao that you walk and of qi, a paradigm of configured energies that was simultaneously spiritual, physical, and psychological. All these many ways of attending to the movements of life, things, people, and events share something very important. In the words of the pioneering modern dancer, Martha Graham, “Movement never lies.” If your practice is successful, with whichever variation of movement meditation you choose, something begins to happen. It is not necessarily flashy. It’s just that the situations you encounter, the people you meet, and even the everyday moments have more dimensionality to them.

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Bowing to Life Deeply

Ruth Denison is the founder and resident teacher of Dhamma Dena Desert Vipassana Center in Joshua Tree, California. She is the first generation of women teachers of vipassanā in the West, and has been teaching at Insight Meditation Society in Barre since its inception in 1976.

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