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Three Lessons from Disabled Mothers

By Sonja Sharp — 2021

If there’s one thing I wish nondisabled parents could learn from parents like me, it’s that their anxiety would be better spent elsewhere.

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What to Do if Your College Kid's Grades Are Slipping

The transition from high school to college is not always an easy one.

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Before You Let Your Child Fail, Read This

It’s not easy to let our kids be less than perfect.

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Motherhood Is Hard to Get Wrong. So Why Do So Many Moms Feel So Bad About Themselves?

Motherhood is supposed to be all about love and joy. So why do so many moms feel so bad?

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Coping Mechanisms: Dealing with Life’s Disappointments in a Healthy Way

No matter how great your life may be, you will eventually deal with disappointments, setbacks, failures, and even loss and trauma.

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Patience Is a Superpower

In low seasons, while you sit in the waiting room of life, patience is a superpower. But by adopting these seven mindsets, you can run circles around life’s challenges.

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Disabled Well-Being