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‘You Have to Scream Out’

By Shalene Gupta — 2021

“If you’re trying to get home and the bus keeps passing you up because you’re in a wheelchair, you have to scream out.”

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Dealing with Impostor Syndrome When You’re Treated as an Impostor

Impostor syndrome is not a unique feeling, but some researchers believe it hits minority groups harder.

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Why Imposter Syndrome Hits Women and Women of Colour Harder

Self-doubt and imposter syndrome permeate the workplace, but women, especially women of colour, are particularly likely to experience it. Why is this—and how can it be changed?

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Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome

“Imposter syndrome,” or doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud at work, is a diagnosis often given to women. But the fact that it’s considered a diagnosis at all is problematic.

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Disabled Well-Being