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Research Finds New Reasons for Unemployment Among People with Disabilities

By Joni Sweet — 2021

New research has found nine meaningful reasons that prevent people with disabilities from seeking work.

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The Case for Improving Work for People with Disabilities Goes Way Beyond Compliance

Individuals with disabilities frequently encounter workplace discrimination, bias, exclusion, and career plateaus—meaning their employers lose out on enormous innovation and talent potential.

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Women with Disabilities Face Significant Financial Inequity in the Workplace. What Can Be Done?

Women with disabilities are often doubly penalized—for being women and for being disabled.

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What Is Ableism, and What Is Its Impact?

Ableism refers to bias, prejudice, and discrimination against people with disabilities. It hinges on the idea that people with disabilities are less valuable than nondisabled people.

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Does My Wheelchair Make You Uncomfortable? How My Disability May Have Cost Me a Job.

I’m a tenured, deeply qualified New York City teacher, but some only see my disability. At least my students know the impact I can make in the world.

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What Is Ableism?

Ableism centers around the notion that people with disabilities are imperfect and need fixing.

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6 Instances of Discrimination People with Disabilities Face Every Day

Discrimination is a fact of life for many groups of people, but to be honest, I never really gave much thought to discrimination growing up. It wasn’t until I became disabled when I was 14 years old when I finally understood what discrimination meant.

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“I’m Only Disabled When I Experience Barriers or Bias”: Shani Dhanda Is Here to Challenge Your Perceptions

Shani Dhanda is on a mission to make the world inclusive for disabled people. Here, she speaks to Amanda Randone about the importance of universal design and how the pandemic could prompt a paradigm shift in disabled people’s working lives.

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Netflix, BBC Team to Develop and Co-Produce Shows from Disabled Creatives

Netflix and the BBC will work together, in an unprecedented move, to promote disabled creatives on and off screen.

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NFTs By Disabled Creatives Breaking Moulds and Making Profits

It is no doubt that NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are changing the way we view, buy and sell art, but are they also having a hand in the way that we define Disability? The medium has opened up doors for artists who have previously been marginalized and restricted from getting rich off their own art.

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Aaron Rose Philip on Manifesting the Future of Black Creativity

The model, artist and photographer made history when she walked the Moschino runway in her chair this season. She’s also the first creative we’re spotlighting from the BTF100, debuting today.

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Disabled Well-Being