By Jacob Anderson-Minshall — 2020
Three LGBTQ people are leading a revolution in how we think about disability and sexual freedom.
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Women with disabilities are often doubly penalized—for being women and for being disabled.
Body image is particularly important to discuss in the context of the LGBTQIA+ community, due to the prevalence of eating disorders and similar issues that disproportionately impact those who identify as LGBTQIA+.
There was an impassioned debate in the South Dakota State Senate this week over a proposed bill that would restrict transgender female students from participating in female sports.
A group of influential women’s sports advocates say their proposals are about fairness. But LGBT activists say their plans would endanger transgender rights — and transgender lives.
The opposition is cast as one between cis-girl athletes on the one hand and a vast liberal conspiracy on the other.
For the first time, pro baseball, basketball, football, hockey and soccer has an out gay male player under contract.