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What Is Ableism, and What Is Its Impact?

By Zawn Villines — 2021

Ableism refers to bias, prejudice, and discrimination against people with disabilities. It hinges on the idea that people with disabilities are less valuable than nondisabled people.

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Running Out of Spoons: Self Care When You Have a Disability

Despite what popular culture says, we all know that people with disabilities are not actually the same (ha!), and that what will work with self care with our disability won’t necessarily work for someone else’s.

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Unbroken, Wounded Warriors Overcome Injury to Find New Strength

More than 600,000 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans have been left partially or totally disabled from physical or psychological wounds received during their service. Some of them compete in the Defense Department Warrior Games and find a place to continue to overcome.

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When You Can’t Change the World, Change Your Feelings

Adjusting your attitude is easier than you think.

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Is It Self-Care, or Is It Capitalism?

So many of the little rituals I have each day—like my makeup or skincare routine—do help soothe and/or rejuvenate me. For me, any type of solo practiced routine is good. But I’ve learned that self-care does not, and cannot, sustain me. And I believe that this may be the case for many of you.

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Disabled Well-Being