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What Is Ableism, and What Is Its Impact?

By Zawn Villines — 2021

Ableism refers to bias, prejudice, and discrimination against people with disabilities. It hinges on the idea that people with disabilities are less valuable than nondisabled people.

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Disability Pride: The High Expectations of a New Generation

Millions of young people grew up knowing the landmark Americans With Disabilities Act as a birthright. They now demand its guarantees — and even more.

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Please Don’t Call Me “Wheelchair-Bound.”

What I’m hoping to do here is help portray the incapacitated form in an optimistic light and defy the labels enforced upon us by society.

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‘You Have to Scream Out’

“If you’re trying to get home and the bus keeps passing you up because you’re in a wheelchair, you have to scream out.”

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Disabled People Don’t Need So Many Fancy New Gadgets. We Just Need More Ramps.

Technology isn’t always the answer.

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The 10 Best Pieces of Life and Career Advice from Oprah Winfrey

Through her own infinite wisdom and the questions she asks when interviewing other wise people, Oprah has helped empower millions of people to take control of their lives and find the courage to pursue their dreams.

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Disabled Well-Being