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6 Instances of Discrimination People with Disabilities Face Every Day

By Tiffiny Carlson — 2013

Discrimination is a fact of life for many groups of people, but to be honest, I never really gave much thought to discrimination growing up. It wasn’t until I became disabled when I was 14 years old when I finally understood what discrimination meant.

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How Lorenza Bottner’s Prescient Art Created Space for Disabled and Trans People

At Documenta 14, the 2017 edition of the touted art festival that takes place once every five years in Kassel, it was an artist heretofore unknown to much of the art world who stole the show: Lorenza Böttner, a German painter, dancer, and performance artist who, in the ’80s and ’90s, began...

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The Psychology of Grit

Grit is very good to call upon in problematic situations like becoming paralyzed.

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Patience Is a Superpower

In low seasons, while you sit in the waiting room of life, patience is a superpower. But by adopting these seven mindsets, you can run circles around life’s challenges.

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Disabled Well-Being