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Autistic People Make Great Social Partners if You Actually Give Them a Chance

By Scott Barry Kaufman — 2020

For many years, researchers have treated the individual traits and characteristics of autistic people as an enduring essence of their autism-- in isolation of the social context and without even asking autistic people what their social life is actually like. However, perspective matters. Who is to say it's autistic people who are the "awkward" ones?

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Awareness and Allyship: It’s a New Day for Neurodiversity

From increased awareness to more diagnoses, neurodiversity has our attention

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What Does It Mean to Be Neurodivergent?

Neurodivergence is the term for when someone’s brain processes, learns, and/or behaves differently from what is considered “typical.”

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How to Deal with Sensory Overload as a Sensitive Person

Sometimes it feels like the world wasn’t designed for sensitive people. Here are ways to take care of yourself.

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Do People with Synethesia Draw Out Expression in the Autistic?

Anecdotal observations from my own dealings.

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‘The Battery’s Dead’: Burnout Looks Different in Autistic Adults

Autistic traits can amplify the conditions that lead to burnout, and burnout can cause these traits to worsen.

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Autism Diagnosis: ‘I Want 40 Years of My Life Back’

Robert felt “immense relief” following his diagnosis. “Finally I had a name for the thing that had made me feel like an alien for so long. Finally I could stop feeling bad about being different.”

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Many Young Adults with Autism Also Have Mental Health Issues

“One of the biggest difficulties with transitioning to adulthood is trying to realize where you’ve been correct versus where you need to change, where the boundaries are between what you need to do to fit in and what other people need to do to accept certain things that are a part of who you...

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How Can You Support Your Teenager with Autism Spectrum Disorder If They Are Depressed?

Having ASD increases the risk of depression in teens, but effective treatments are available

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The Relationship Between Asperger’s and Depression

People diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome have, in general, also been likely to be diagnosed with other mental health conditions. As such, research has found a connection specifically with depression.

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What Employers Can Teach Schools About Neurodiversity

Thinking differently can be an edge in the work world. Someone with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may have a drive for novelty that can spark entrepreneurship. And an autistic student’s childhood fascination with games could launch a career in software development.

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