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Autistic People Make Great Social Partners if You Actually Give Them a Chance

By Scott Barry Kaufman — 2020

For many years, researchers have treated the individual traits and characteristics of autistic people as an enduring essence of their autism-- in isolation of the social context and without even asking autistic people what their social life is actually like. However, perspective matters. Who is to say it's autistic people who are the "awkward" ones?

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Transition Ideas: A Personal Perspective

Temple was asked to identify those factors that facilitated her successful transition and employment. Below is a short article from Temple on making the transition from high school to the workplace.

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Making the Transition from the World of School into the World of Work

During my travels to many autism conferences I have observed many sad cases of people with autism who have successfully completed high school or college but have been unable to make the transition into the world of work.

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Genius May Be an Abnormality: Educating Students with Asperger’s Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism

I am becoming increasingly concerned that intellectually gifted children are being denied opportunities because they are being labeled either Asperger’s or high functioning autism.

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An Inside View of Autism

This page is written by Temple Grandin and describes her journey and challenges as a woman affected by autism. Temple outlines the support she received, discusses sensory and auditory difficulties, tactile problems, her squeeze machine and many other topics.

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Misdiagnosed and Misunderstood

There’s a saying in the community: “If you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person.” Virtually any generalization is going to be wrong.

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The Greatest Challenge of Raising an Autistic Child as an Autistic Parent? The Ableist World We Live In

Being disabled means hundreds of thousands of people believe they always know better than you do.

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It’s Perfectly OK to Call a Disabled Person ‘Disabled,’ and Here’s Why

We’ve been taught to refer to people with disabilities using person-first language, but that might be doing more harm than good.

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The Limits of Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is a fresh way to see difference. Is it right for you?

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Parents May Be Able to Lower Kids' Autism Risk

Autism experts still disagree over a lot of things about the developmental disorder, but there is one idea that unites most of them — that the earlier the condition can be diagnosed, and the sooner interventions, from medications to behavioral therapies, can be tried, the more likely that child will...

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Dear Parents: Your Child With Autism Is Perfect

Children with autism express themselves truthfully regardless of the social consequences. I know, because I am autistic.

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