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Autistic People Make Great Social Partners if You Actually Give Them a Chance

By Scott Barry Kaufman — 2020

For many years, researchers have treated the individual traits and characteristics of autistic people as an enduring essence of their autism-- in isolation of the social context and without even asking autistic people what their social life is actually like. However, perspective matters. Who is to say it's autistic people who are the "awkward" ones?

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Friendships Pose Unique Challenges for Women on the Spectrum

Many autistic people have trouble making and keeping friends. This has led to the myth that they don’t want friends3. In reality, they long for friendships just like anyone else. But they face unique challenges in forming and maintaining them.

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How People With Autism Forge Friendships

Most autistic people want to and can make friends, though their relationships often have a distinctive air.

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More Celebrities are Coming Out as Autistic. That Makes a Huge Difference.

Anthony Hopkins, Wentworth Miller and others are showing us that autism is more varied than it once seemed to be.

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Coming Out Autistic

Transgender or gender-fluid people are more likely to be neurodivergent, and vice versa. Here’s what that’s like.

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The Challenge of Forming Female Friendships When You’re Autistic

Painful memories of childhood along with gendered social norms can make adult friendships more complicated for neurodiverse women.

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The Challenges Every Neurodiverse Woman Faces When Dating

Marianne Eloise knows what it is to be neurodiverse. Here, she unpacks the misconceptions that can make dating – and relationships – harder for autistic people

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The Challenges of Neurodivergent Romantic Relationships

Forming relationships can be challenging when you have autism because you might not be the one to take the lead and engage with others.

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Dating Is Awkward—Even Without Asperger’s

Filmmaker Evan Mead, who has Asperger’s, exposes struggles with dating and intimacy for people on the autism spectrum and runs events featuring speed dating and exploring facial expressions.

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The Top 5 Things People in Neurodiverse Couples Should Know

Romantic relationships are hard enough, but what if your partner is autistic?

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Wentworth Miller Reveals He Was Diagnosed With Autism: ‘Being Autistic Is Central to Who I Am’

The diagnosis was “a shock, but not a surprise,” he said.

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