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Running Out of Spoons: Self Care When You Have a Disability

By Meriah Nichols

Despite what popular culture says, we all know that people with disabilities are not actually the same (ha!), and that what will work with self care with our disability won’t necessarily work for someone else’s.

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This Is What Activism Does To Your Body

“Even with these health consequences, we can see the benefits of taking a stand because people are fighting for what they believe in and protecting people’s lives,” Sumner said. “I don’t think the answer is to stop altogether. It speaks to how critical it is to engage in self-care.

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Balancing Self-Care and Social Activism

It’s important to keep up with self-care for long-term, sustainable social activism.

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4 Simple Ways to Take Care of Yourself While Living in the World in 2020

If you don’t practice joy, you will not survive this shit.

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Disabled Well-Being