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Running Out of Spoons: Self Care When You Have a Disability

By Meriah Nichols

Despite what popular culture says, we all know that people with disabilities are not actually the same (ha!), and that what will work with self care with our disability won’t necessarily work for someone else’s.

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Is It Self-Care, or Is It Capitalism?

So many of the little rituals I have each day—like my makeup or skincare routine—do help soothe and/or rejuvenate me. For me, any type of solo practiced routine is good. But I’ve learned that self-care does not, and cannot, sustain me. And I believe that this may be the case for many of you.

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‘You Have to Scream Out’

“If you’re trying to get home and the bus keeps passing you up because you’re in a wheelchair, you have to scream out.”

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The Disability Is There, But I Belong

When I walk into a room, most people see me as confident and ready to take on the world. As an engineer in the aerospace industry, that’s the persona I would like them to see. But in reality, I’m most likely experiencing a serious level of anxiety stimulated by my invisible disability.

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Bruce Lee’s Philosophy on Life: 6 Simple, Transformative Words.

“Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.” ~ Bruce Lee The premise of his philosophy was efficiency—complete and utter efficiency of the soul.

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“I’m Only Disabled When I Experience Barriers or Bias”: Shani Dhanda Is Here to Challenge Your Perceptions

Shani Dhanda is on a mission to make the world inclusive for disabled people. Here, she speaks to Amanda Randone about the importance of universal design and how the pandemic could prompt a paradigm shift in disabled people’s working lives.

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‘No One’s Ever Talked to Me About This Before’

Social media creators are helping women and people of color identify possible symptoms of A.D.H.D., a disorder most often diagnosed in white boys.

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We Need to Talk About ADHD Stigma in BIPOC Communities

Battling stigma is nothing new in the ADHD community. In Black and other marginalized communities, it abounds—outside and, even worse, inside Black families. But reducing stigma in BIPOC communities is not all on us.

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The Extra Stigma of Mental Illness for African-Americans

Our culture has taught us that we do not have the privilege of being vulnerable like other communities.

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Wellness ‘For the Culture’

“I still eat rice and beans. I just use brown rice now,” said Annya Santana of Menos Mas, a wellness company that speaks to African-American and Latinx communities.

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Have We Been Doing Self-Care All Wrong?

To understand how the term “self-care” has evolved, I dug into the history of the phrase. The term has origins in medical research, but its leap from academia to public awareness can be traced back to the Black Panther Party and Black feminist writers.

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Disabled Well-Being