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The Brain of an Entrepreneur

By Michael A. Freeman , Harris Eyre and William Hynes — 2021

The aspects that make them most creative may also be their biggest risk.

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An Introduction to Rest

Some people harbor the illusion that rest is a luxury they do not have time for, but the reality is that rest is a necessity.

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I Have ADHD. Here Are 9 Productivity Tips that Really Help Me

Tips and tricks I use daily.

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Incredible Productivity Advice Given By 21 Successful Young Entrepreneurs

These 21 successful young entrepreneurs shared their best productivity advice.

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Here’s How the Entrepreneurs Can Increase their Productivity

A company’s productivity is relatable to its entrepreneur’s personal productivity

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8 Essential Productivity Tips for the Busy Entrepreneur

You can get more work done in less time if you maximize your efforts with these tips.

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How to Survive Being Laid Off

Being laid off can be a financial nightmare, but what isn’t talked about enough is the psychic toll it takes, and the decisions we make around work in the aftermath.

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Should I Disclose My Depression to My Employer?

As a general rule, I’d only disclose a mental-health condition (or any health condition, for that matter) at work when you need to ask for a specific accommodation connected with it.

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Emotional and Mental Health