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The Brain of an Entrepreneur

By Michael A. Freeman , Harris Eyre and William Hynes — 2021

The aspects that make them most creative may also be their biggest risk.

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Investors and Entrepreneurs Need to Address the Mental Health Crisis in Startups

The most brilliant and creative amongst us are sometimes the most troubled, and nowhere is that clearer than in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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10 Successful Leaders Share Their Struggles with Imposter Syndrome and How They Overcame It

Imposter Syndrome is a thought pattern where one has a persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud”, and which makes one one doubt or minimize one’s accomplishments.

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How I Beat Back Imposter Syndrome and Became a Better Entrepreneur

The feeling that you haven't earned your place is all too common among entrepreneurs. Here's how to fight back.

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How These Women Entrepreneurs Learned to Battle Impostor Syndrome

They learn to turn their unproductive thoughts into productive ones.

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Having Imposter Syndrome When You’re the Boss Is Hard. But Research Shows It May Make You Better at Your Job.

Imposter syndrome, which is characterized by gnawing fears and self-doubt that persist despite your experience and accomplishments, is common.

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Imposter Syndrome Will Kill Your Business

Deep inside many entrepreneurs, there’s an unwanted emotion lurking, just waiting to rise to the surface to override their hard work. It’s an ugly feeling that impacts the best of us from time to time.

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Imposter Syndrome in Your Business and How to Overcome It

Imposter syndrome is REAL, and everybody has it. Yes, even you.

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Emotional and Mental Health