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Going Back to College After 40: Here’s How to Make It Work

By Dana George — 2020

You’re never too old to pursue a dream. Abe Lincoln had all but given up on his political future when he joined the newly formed Republican party, aged 47. Henry Ford was 40 when he founded the Ford Motor Company. Anna “Grandma” Moses didn’t start painting until she was 78 years old and went on to become one of the greatest folk artists in American history.

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Traci Blackmon: If These Walls Could Talk

The Rev. Traci Blackmon, Associate General Minister of Justice and Local Church Ministries United Church of Christ, marks the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Teaching and Learning About Martin Luther King Jr. with the New York Times

How do you celebrate and teach the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., both on the holiday that celebrates his birth, and all year long?

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