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Neurodiverse Africa

By Maureen Seaberg — 2020

The first NGO for synesthetes on the African continent has just been registered.

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ADHD and Autism Relationship Accommodations -- How to Get Your Needs Met

We all have needs. We all need our relationships to help meet those needs. So...what if it can't? This is where relationship accommodations come in.

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The Asperger Couple’s Workbook: Practical Advice and Activities for Couples and Counsellors

Asperger Syndrome (AS) can affect some of the fundamental ingredients required to make relationships work, such as emotional empathy and communication. This workbook provides couples affected by AS with strategies that will benefit their relationship together, and their family as a whole.

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The Couple’s Guide to Thriving with ADHD

More and more often, adults are realizing that the reason they are struggling so much in their relationship is that they are impacted by previously undiagnosed adult ADHD. Learning how to interact around ADHD symptoms is often the difference between joy together and chronic anger and frustration.

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What Do You Feel When You Watch This? - BBC News

British scientists are looking for people with a rare condition called mirror-touch synesthesia, as it could help them to better understand empathy. Here's how - and why it's important.

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Synesthesia - Numberphile

Talking about Grapheme to Colour Synesthesia with Alex from Bite Sci-Zed.

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I Have Synesthesia and Words Taste Like Meatballs

What is synesthesia? -- A neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second pathway. We talk to several synesthetes and recreate their experiences.

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Seeing Song Through the Ears of a Synesthete

Kaitlyn Hova is not only a professional violinist, composer, full stack web developer, designer, neuroscientist, and core team member of Women Who Code, but she is also a synesthete—which means her sensory perception is quite different from what most people experience.

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Tasting Sounds and Seeing Music | Synesthesia Life

What does it look like inside your mind? Do you feel a blending of your senses like Ashley describes? You might have synesthesia.

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Richard E. Cytowic: What Color Is Tuesday? Exploring Synesthesia

How does one experience synesthesia—the neurological trait that combines two or more senses? Synesthetes may taste the number 9 or attach a color to each day of the week. Richard E. Cytowic explains the fascinating world of entangled senses and why we may all have just a touch of synesthesia.

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What It’s Like to Have Mirror Touch Synesthesia: A Doctor Who Literally Feels Your Pain

Dr. Joel Salinas is a neurologist who possesses a rare neurological trait himself: he has mirror touch synesthesia, a rare form of the perceptual condition that allows him to experience the same physical sensations and feelings as the people around him.

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