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Neurodiverse Africa

By Maureen Seaberg — 2020

The first NGO for synesthetes on the African continent has just been registered.

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Queen Afua Meets Breaking the Spell Radio Show

Queen Afua The Wellness Tour London

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Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination

Kelley unearths freedom dreams in this exciting history of renegade intellectuals and artists of the African diaspora in the twentieth century. Focusing on the visions of activists from C. L. R.

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Salvation: Black People and Love

Written from both historical and cultural perspectives, Salvation takes an incisive look at the transformative power of love in the lives of African Americans. Whether talking about the legacy of slavery; relationships and marriage in Black life; the prose and poetry of Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Radical Self-Care: Angela Davis

It’s Radical Self-Care Week here at AFROPUNK. Let’s hear how revolutionary artists and activists take care of themselves in these chaotic times. Check out what Angela Davis had to say.

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