By Sophie Kernachan — 2020
Imposter syndrome, alongside alcoholism and chronic insomnia, is one of the experiences key to the morbid trinity of student life; the quirks forming the foundation of every post on every university confessions page.
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Have you ever heard one of those horror stories about students who fail out of college because they did not do what they were supposed to do? Hi, yeah, I, unfortunately, have one of those horror stories to share.
The transition from high school to college is not always an easy one.
Dropping out helped me see the lies we were sold about the college experience.
Knowing and articulating your approach to working with others can be an asset on the job market, writes Joseph Stanhope Cialdella.
FLOW is a state of total absorption in an activity where the individual is so focused that nothing else seems to matter. Time flies by and the activity becomes a joyful, even ecstatic, experience.
For those who want to seek help and guidance, here are some actions you can take.
As a researcher who specializes in identifying strategies to help college students get through their first year of college, I’d like to offer a few tips to help students avoid burnout.
Here are five essential things that any wellness plan for incoming college students should address.
Links to informative articles to fight college burnout including on: how to prioritize your mental health; considering campus physical design; making a wellness plan; considering academic motivation, and enjoying a therapy animal.
Unsurprisingly, burnout is a major problem in college. A 2021 Boston University study found that more than half of the 33,000 surveyed college students experienced anxiety or depression. And 83% of respondents said their mental health hurt their academic performance.