By Margaret Crable — 2021
What do you do when your biggest doubter is yourself?
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Each year, the P1 class gathers in one group to each tell 5-minute stories using one of three prompts – How I got here; Confirming Experience; and Do-Over. The class then selects a winner.
New study reveals why college students aren't as motivated as they need to be.
A study by University of Rochester researchers found that students are more likely to earn higher grades and get a degree if enrolling was motivated by intrinsic needs for autonomy and competence.
Here are fifteen ways to get your motivation up—and to keep it up—throughout your college career.
Have you ever heard one of those horror stories about students who fail out of college because they did not do what they were supposed to do? Hi, yeah, I, unfortunately, have one of those horror stories to share.
The transition from high school to college is not always an easy one.
Dropping out helped me see the lies we were sold about the college experience.
Knowing and articulating your approach to working with others can be an asset on the job market, writes Joseph Stanhope Cialdella.
FLOW is a state of total absorption in an activity where the individual is so focused that nothing else seems to matter. Time flies by and the activity becomes a joyful, even ecstatic, experience.
As a researcher who specializes in identifying strategies to help college students get through their first year of college, I’d like to offer a few tips to help students avoid burnout.