By Andrew Pulrang — 2021
Disability activism is empowering. Keys to getting started are staying open, sharing the stage, working collaboratively, listening and learning, and being willing to ask for help to make it less scary.
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Living with a disability can be stressful at times. Resilience is a term that describes how we cope with stress. By building up our resilience, we can stay more engaged in life.
Individuals with disabilities are at a greater risk of experiencing fatigue than the general population, and this risk increases with age.
Body neutrality, I think, has the power to be really useful in particular to people with disabilities, especially those with chronic pain or people with progressive diagnoses.
Although body positivity urges acceptance of all kinds of bodies, the movement still has room for improvement. Notably, people with disabilities, who through inaccessibility and lack of representation are often made to feel “other” by non-disabled folks.
“Body positivity is all about having a good relationship with your body.” Well that’s what everyone keeps telling me. The only problem is, if I told anyone about the way my body treats me, they would tell me it’s a relationship I need to get the hell out of.
Body positivity has begun to leave behind some of the people who spoke it into existence — among them is the disabled community.
Often, body positivity and fat activism exclude disabled people. It’s past time to change that.
My best resource turns out to be websites that offer ten, twenty-five, or 101 relationship tips. The sites are silly, and the ads gum up my computer, but I learn about concepts like compassion, forgiveness, and presence.
Grit is very good to call upon in problematic situations like becoming paralyzed.
Sometimes you have to come up with unique ways to show love if your partner has a disability.