By Andrew Pulrang — 2021
Disability activism is empowering. Keys to getting started are staying open, sharing the stage, working collaboratively, listening and learning, and being willing to ask for help to make it less scary.
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My best resource turns out to be websites that offer ten, twenty-five, or 101 relationship tips. The sites are silly, and the ads gum up my computer, but I learn about concepts like compassion, forgiveness, and presence.
The author and clinical psychologist Andrew Solomon examines the disabilities that ramps and designated parking spots don’t address.
Experts and researchers use terms like “epidemic” and “crisis” to characterize the mental health challenges currently facing American college students. Statistics back up these claims.
Student activists in particular have struggled with an additional test — how can they re-energize and sustain their movements after a year filled with anxiety, financial uncertainty, and a lack of in-person connection?
The American Psychiatric Association describes eco-anxiety as “a chronic fear of environmental doom.” Sound familiar? You or your loved ones experiencing eco-anxiety are not alone! Keep reading for our tips on combating eco-anxiety through acts of self-care and climate action.
Michael A. Freeman had long noticed that entrepreneurs seem inclined to have mental health issues. Freeman and California-Berkeley psychology professor Sheri Johnson decided to take a deeper look at the issue.
“For your husband, your illness may have made him acutely aware of not just your mortality, but also his own.”
A cancer diagnosis brings a wealth of psychological challenges. In fact, adults living with cancer have a six-time higher risk for psychological disability than those not living with cancer.
Experts I spoke with for this story pointed to a couple of reasons professional athletes are particularly susceptible to mental health issues.
Research shows exercise can ease things like panic attacks or mood and sleep disorders, and a recent study in the journal Lancet Psychiatry found that popular team sports may have a slight edge over the other forms of physical activity.