By Kirsty Fowler — 2019
Teen uses political artwork to push for change
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Student activists in particular have struggled with an additional test — how can they re-energize and sustain their movements after a year filled with anxiety, financial uncertainty, and a lack of in-person connection?
Today’s climate activists are driven by environmental worries that are increasingly more urgent, and which feel more personal.
As a writer, I am in constant search for inspiration. Sometimes it comes to me out of the blue, but for the most part, I have to work hard for it. If only the solution were as simple as flipping a switch! Having creativity exercises on deck might just serve to unleash your creativity.
Most genetic studies completely ignore the science of epigenetics, which is how the environment actually turns certain genes on or off.
The author really interested in what a popular movement would look like at the intersection of radical mental health, social justice politics, and disciplined spiritual practice.