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How the World is Proving Martin Luther King Right about Nonviolence

By Erica Chenoweth, Maria J. Stephan — 2016

Clearly, there is much more to learn about nonviolent resistance: It is an emerging phenomenon, and research on the topic is likewise emerging within the social sciences.

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Gloria Steinem on the Moments that “Get You Off Your Ass and into the Revolution”

“Inflection Point” talks to Gloria Steinem and Favianna Rodriguez about feminism and reproductive justice.

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Billie Jean King: The First Female Athlete-Activist

Billie Jean King isn’t interested in being a legend—she’s interested in succession.

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Finding Our Way in Post-Trump America

Historians, theologians, artists, and activists reflect on where we go from here.

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Scenes from a Spiritual Journey

To heal the deep wounds of racism, Jan Willis turned to Buddhism and is now cited by Time magazine as one of America’s spiritual leaders. David Pesci talked with her about her journey from the crushing injustices of life in the Jim Crow South to the thin air of the shrine called Swayambhu.

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