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How the World is Proving Martin Luther King Right about Nonviolence

By Erica Chenoweth, Maria J. Stephan — 2016

Clearly, there is much more to learn about nonviolent resistance: It is an emerging phenomenon, and research on the topic is likewise emerging within the social sciences.

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Draft for a Statement of Human Obligation

In this 1943 essay, written during the last year of her life, which she spent working with Gen. de Gaulle in the struggle for French liberation, Weil makes the case for the existence of a transcendent and universal moral law, and describes the social responsibilities that accompany it.

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The Long Walk to Freedom

I am in a movement for justice inspired by Rabbi Yeshua.

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Sonia Sanchez Speaks Truth to Power, Poetically [Interview]

A formalist with wide poetic range, Sanchez’s vast body of work includes poems that delve into themes that resonate with those who’ve known isolation’s dance.

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