By Michelle Nicholasen — 2019
Erica Chenoweth discovers it is more successful in effecting change than violent campaigns
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It sounds simple, yet it’s more than a technique for resolving conflict. It’s a different way of understanding human motivation and behavior.
Whether he’s working in a war-torn area or an inner-city slum, Rosenberg’s goal is the same: to teach and encourage compassionate communication.
On the 55th anniversary of Thich Quang Duc’s self-immolation, Edward Tick shares what he has learned from his pilgrimages to the site of the monk’s famous protest.
The real, profound worth of life is revealed when one’s life is dedicated to the well-being of humanity.
If you ignore power, you ignore powerful Buddhist teachings. Pema Khandro Rinpoche says that Buddhism teaches us how to be powerful and compassionate at the same time.
Wherever you find yourself, says Pema Khandro, that’s the starting point of the bodhisattva path—all you need to do is take that first step.
As Buddhist teaching says, suffering has the potential to deepen our compassion and understanding of the human condition. And in so doing, it can lead us to even greater faith, joy and well-being.