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As Climate Worsens, Environmentalists Also Grapple with the Mental Toll of Activism

By Alex Smith — 2021

Today’s climate activists are driven by environmental worries that are increasingly more urgent, and which feel more personal.

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The Forgotten Radicalism of Jesus Christ

First-century Christians weren’t prepared for what a truly inclusive figure he was, and what was true then is still true today.

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Q&A with the Rev. William Barber, Building “Fusion Coalition” that Unites People Against Poverty

Barber makes clear his belief that the role of Christians is to call for social justice and allow the “rejected stones” of American society—the poor, people of color, women, LGBTQIA people, immigrants, religious minorities—to lead the way.

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‘There Is Not Some Separation Between Jesus and Justice.’ How Rev. William J. Barber II Uses His Faith to Fight for the Poor

Barber’s newsmaking actions were founded on the idea that being a person of faith means fighting for justice.

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Pope Francis Is Fearless

Op-Ed: His papacy has been a consistent rebuke to American culture-war Christianity in politics.

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