By Sierra Club
Military Outdoors (SCMO) is at the forefront of a national movement to ensure every veteran in America has an opportunity to get outdoors when they return home after service.
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As a Filipino-American, Jo Encarnacion understands the intergenerational trauma and pain triggered by the latest wave of Asian hate and violence. She also understands that staying silent is no longer an option.
Knowing how environmental issues affect different groups of marginalized people in unique and often overlapping ways can help us build a more sustainable and equitable world.
Like most people of color in the United States, psychotherapist and researcher Monnica Williams has experienced myriad forms of racism. Early in her career, understanding its effects on her mind and body motivated her to help clients address their own racial trauma in therapy.
Now, more than ever, people want to engage in meaningful dialogue about race and racism. It’s a vital goal, but how do we translate intention into practice? In the therapy world, what are clinicians of color telling their white colleagues?
A brilliant author who organized with Dr. King and served on the staff of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Close to 11% of American adults with Hispanic ancestors don’t even identify as Hispanic or Latino.
One major factor in understanding PTSD in ethnoracial minorities is the impact of racism on emotional and psychological well-being. Racism continues to be a daily part of American culture, and racial barriers have an overwhelming impact on the oppressed.
While we too often and too loudly insist that race does not matter, there is a growing body of research that shows race impacts many of our decisions (many with deadly consequences), and that implicit bias and racial anxiety are likely to be greater for those who cling to the belief of a colorblind...
Amid the nation’s protests, Cardoza began emailing current event explainers and action items to what ended up becoming thousands of subscribers, many looking for information and guidance in a year marked by sickness and brutality.
Resmaa Menakem spoke to Good Day LA's Michaela Pereira to discuss racialized trauma on Dec. 11.