By Alex Hawgood — 2019
The reality-show star says he’s living with H.I.V., and speaks about being an addict and a sexual abuse survivor.
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The ever-viral artist discusses his meteoric rise and the pressures of being a Black gay musician on a global stage.
But being your authentic self is now more important than ever.
“Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.” ~ Bruce Lee The premise of his philosophy was efficiency—complete and utter efficiency of the soul.
A grassroots civil-dialogue movement creates a new kind of safe space: one that invites students from across the political spectrum to discuss controversial issues, including policing, gender identity, and free speech itself.
Although coming out can be difficult, it can also be a very liberating and freeing process. You may feel like you can finally be authentic and true to who you are.
Viktor Pylypenko has become a role model for dozens of LGBT+ Ukrainian war veterans and their supporters since he organised their participation in Kyiv’s largest ever gay pride march.
We collaborated with several of our favorite talent supporters who are LGBTQ people of color to offer advice to youth on how to navigate the intersections of their identities and protect their mental health.
A conversation with the sociologist Mary Robertson on how some queer youth are pleasantly surprised with the lack of family drama the news causes.
By the time you reach your 30s, you think you know yourself—your likes, your dislikes, what inspires you, what makes you tick. But there I was, at 36 years old, realizing I didn't know myself at all.
Out pro wrestler Logan Black found the response to his coming out ‘overwhelming in the best way.’