By Alex Hawgood — 2019
The reality-show star says he’s living with H.I.V., and speaks about being an addict and a sexual abuse survivor.
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We sat down with Dr. Lembke to talk to her about why the things we turn to to feel better may actually be doing more harm than good, and what we can do instead.
72% of entrepreneurs are directly or indirectly affected by mental health issues compared to just 48% of non entrepreneurs.
The neglected middle child of mental health can dull your motivation and focus — and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021.
Speaking your truth is an essential aspect of living a life of passion, fulfillment, and authenticity. However, for many of us, myself included, it is much easier to talk about speaking our truth than it is to actually do it.
Living our truth is the hardest adventure we will ever experience.
What would it take to be ourselves and speak our truth while also maintaining a climate of emotional safety in our important relationships?
Sometimes, speaking openly and honestly is hard work. Whether it’s self-doubt or fear of saying the wrong thing keeping you silent, here are six actionable ways to speak your truth more often.
Most of us struggle at one time or another with an inability to feel what’s going on inside us at the level of emotion and energy flow. The technical term for this problem is “alexithymia.”
In McLaren’s view, we typically perceive emotions as problems, which we then thoughtlessly express or repress. She advocates a more mindful approach, where we step back and see our emotions as sources of information.
I don’t know what happened to emotions in this society. They are the least understood, most maligned, and most ridiculously over-analyzed aspects of human life.