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Mindfulness and Buddhism: An Interview with Dr. Miles Neale

By Jonathan S. Kaplan — 2011

How can Buddhism and mindfulness help people?

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Re-Fleshing Mindfulness with Buddhism, Dr. Miles Neale

Often, when teaching a new idea or practice, it helps to try to boil it down to its essentials. Getting to the pith of things is very important and being able to do so in a way that reaches and sticks with others is a sign of genius.

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Frozen Yoga and McMindfulness: Miles Neale on the Mainstreaming of Contemplative Religious Practices

Danny Fisher in conversation with Buddhist psychotherapist and meditation teacher Miles Neale about the mainstreaming of mindfulness practice.

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There Is No Hinayana

In his new book, Superiority Conceit in Buddhist Traditions, Bhikkhu Analayo investigates some of the ways we as Buddhists have deluded ourselves about the “other”—from ongoing discrimination against women to the idea that Theravada practitioners have special access to the “pure” teachings.

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Pushing Past Tokenism

La Sarmiento has been a leader of American LGBTQ and people-of-color Buddhist communities for close to a decade. I caught up with the trans, queer Filipino teacher before a silent retreat to discuss the dynamics of race and gender in a world that is typically White, cisgender and straight.

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Moving Beyond Meditation

Grounded in our formal practice of meditation, we can relax into the vast, open awareness that is our ultimate nature. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche tells the story of his own introduction to the Great Perfection.

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Rest in the Sky of Natural Mind

The tantric path of Buddhism is complex and arduous, but its surprising culmination is the practice of spaciousness, ease, and simplicity known as Dzogchen, the Great Perfection.

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Lasting Happiness

It’s surprisingly easy to achieve lasting happiness — we just have to understand our own basic nature. The hard part, says Mingyur Rinpoche, is getting over our bad habit of seeking happiness in transient experiences.

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When a Buddhist Teacher Crosses the Line

The respected Tibetan teacher Mingyur Rinpoche explains Vajrayana ethics, how to find a genuine teacher, and what to do if a teacher crosses the line.

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Why We Take Refuge

There are two kinds of refuge, says Mingyur Rinpoche—outer and inner. The reason we take refuge in the outer forms of enlightenment is so that we may find the buddha within.

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You Already Have What You’re Looking For

For Lion’s Roar’s 40th anniversary, we’re looking ahead at Buddhism’s next 40 years. In our March 2019 issue, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche shares what he feels is the most helpful message Buddhism can offer in coming decades.

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