By Amy Goyer — 2020
Think about empathy, not orders.
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You not calling, as a friend, can actually compound the grief and loss they are feeling. Just pick up the phone, even if you get it wrong, just have a conversation and do your best. Your friend with cancer is still the same person they were before.
After my husband died, a silly catchphrase became a lifeline for me. Instead of wishing for a reality I couldn’t have, I embraced the circumstances I was dealt.
So what does help when a friend or family member is in the thick of caregiving, or any crisis?
Includes Frequently Asked Questions about how to communicate and cope.
Passive-aggressiveness includes the obvious passive, withdrawn or apathetic approach to relationships. This approach will spill over into all sort of adult relationships, from friendships, intimate partners, school and on to the workplace.
If you think your partner needs to lose a few, approach 'the talk' with caution. Here's what to say — and what to skip.
Both parents and adult children often fail to recognize how profoundly the rules of family life have changed over the past half century.
The truth is that many of us just don’t know the right words to comfort someone who is dying.
More and more, we live in bubbles. Most of us are surrounded by people who look like us, vote like us, earn like us, spend money like us, have educations like us and worship like us. The result is an empathy deficit, and it’s at the root of many of our biggest problems.
The communication technique of Non-Violent Communication (NVC) developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg provides a way to communicate with our partners safely and peacefully.