By Amanda Singleton — 2020
Ways to stay afloat when you are providing care for multiple people at the same time
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There’s something empowering and dignifying about the act of asking for help when it is genuinely needed.
Both working and non-working caregivers are likely to experience stress associated with “sandwich” caregiving.
So what does help when a friend or family member is in the thick of caregiving, or any crisis?
More adults these days find themselves becoming a caregiver for a family member, especially as the older demographic continues to grow. According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, 85% of caregivers look after a relative or other loved one, and 42% of them care for a parent.
72% of entrepreneurs are directly or indirectly affected by mental health issues compared to just 48% of non entrepreneurs.
“For your husband, your illness may have made him acutely aware of not just your mortality, but also his own.”
You not calling, as a friend, can actually compound the grief and loss they are feeling. Just pick up the phone, even if you get it wrong, just have a conversation and do your best. Your friend with cancer is still the same person they were before.
Although society has made many strides in queer acceptance and visibility, coming out at work is still a monumental—and sometimes risky—task for many LGBTQ workers.
Figuring out what to say—or what not to say—can feel daunting.
Taking into account your own wellbeing as well as the best interests of others, here are some of the most important ways to become a better person.