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Success Isn’t Just about Climbing the Corporate Ladder. Here’s Why 24 Entrepreneurs Quit Their Corporate Jobs to Start Their Own Companies.

By Business Insider staff — 2020

Whatever their reasoning — a need for flexibility, a lack of representation, or a yearning to have more of an impact — their inspiring stories of leaving their corporate jobs beautifully illustrate that success is not a one-size-fits-all destination but rather an exciting journey filled with endless opportunities.

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15 Reasons Why You Should Not Start Businesses with Friends

From fluctuating financial markets and unique commodities such as gold to industry competition, there are multiple factors that can undermine a fledgling business and ruin a pre-existing relationship between friends and family members.

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Laughter Meditation: 5 Healing Benefits and a 10-Minute Practice

In a world where there’s much to be taken seriously, it’s important to remember to laugh. Not to make light of the severity of war, discrimination, terror threats, or climate change, but to maintain a perspective that there is still much to be thankful for and to celebrate in your life.

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