By Alexandra Gibbs — 2019
Rejection should be treated as an opportunity, Ma said, as if everybody initially agrees with your vision or service, then “there is no opportunity.”
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Here are a number of negative emotions every entrepreneur is going through in the initial stage of business and also in the journey afterward, but there are also many effective ways to cope with these feelings. And as your business evolves, your positive feelings regarding it are likely to grow.
Psychologists insist that confidence is a learned behavior, with many courses, books and other self-help tools available for those looking to bolster their “skills” in this area. In my personal experience, hearing what works from our peers can make a big difference.
The definition of success often comes in different shapes and sizes. For most entrepreneurs, the measure of success is usually financial gains. However, the journey of a social entrepreneur is slightly different.
Even though Black women are starting businesses at a rapid rate, their businesses earn less revenue, remain smaller, and have a higher failure rate.
Vying for a major promotion or new job, selling big ticket offerings, or pitching high-stakes ideas to your boss, are all potential places for significant rejection. But there are some strategies to help you overcome the tendency to internalize it and effectively channel your herculean grit.
“No” doesn’t have to be the end of the story. You can learn how to reject rejection, and look at it as an opportunity to progress forward and even excel at the very thing you were rejected for.
I wasn’t good at practicing self-compassion. My expertise was grit—in fact, I’m one of the “grittiest” people I know.