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Corporate Social Responsibility Can Give Entrepreneurs an Edge

By Steven Kaufman — 2016

CSR might be the last thing on an entrepreneur’s mind when he or she sets out to start a successful business, but I’m now convinced it should be part of a company’s culture from Day 1.

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3 Reasons Why a Strong Purpose Is a Good Business Idea

What does the future of entrepreneurship look like? To build a future-proof business, the key lies in your business purpose.

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Why Purpose Is the Most Important Attribute an Entrepreneur Can Have

As simple as it sounds, having a strong "why" behind your business is an essential ingredient for becoming a successful entrepreneur.

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Tips on Finding a New Job or Changing Career after Cancer Treatment

Whether you’re looking for a new job or considering a new career direction, this month’s article has plenty of practical advice to help you.

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Are You Addicted to Doing?

When work life is overwhelming, we can get stuck in a loop of "busyness"—keeping the mind occupied with tasks to avoid work, which increases our stress levels. Explore these mindfulness tips to slow down so you can get more done.

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How Happy Are People at Work?

Results from the newest Greater Good quiz reveal where there's room for improvement in happiness at work.

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