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How Artists Build the Spirit of a Town

By Deborah Fallows — 2019

Why does a community bring an artist into its life? What do the artists and their presence bring to a town and the people who live there?

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How to Build Community and Why It Matters so Much

Community contributes to health and wellbeing. Here’s how to build purpose, belonging, and resilience as an individual and as a leader.

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How to Survive Being Laid Off

Being laid off can be a financial nightmare, but what isn’t talked about enough is the psychic toll it takes, and the decisions we make around work in the aftermath.

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How a Revered Studio for Artists with Disabilities Is Surviving at a Distance

Creative Growth is a place for artists with disabilities to gather, work, talk, and think without fear of reproach or dismissal.

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How Artists Work with Rejection, a Constant Part of the Arts World

What do actors, writers and other artists, and psychologists and therapists, say about this common experience of rejection–and how to better deal with it?

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‘I Allow Myself a Mini-Wallow’: How to Handle Rejection in the Arts

No matter how talented you are, if you work in the creative arts, you’ll likely experience rejection—whether it’s losing a job, or getting your ideas, art, funding applications, or pitches turned down.

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Rejection and Criticism for Creatives

Criticism and even rejection don’t just “make us stronger.” They actually can embolden our creative ideas and output. But how do you accept criticism and rejection in a positive way?

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What Is Well-Being? Definition, Types, and Well-Being Skills

Want to grow your well-being? Here are the skills you need.

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How Our Brains Can Find Peace in a Crisis

Psychologist Rick Hanson discusses how to strengthen our capacity for wisdom, peace, and enlightenment.

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The Four Keys to Well-Being

Dr. Richard Davidson explains that well-being is a skill that can be practiced and strengthened.

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