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How Artists Build the Spirit of a Town

By Deborah Fallows — 2019

Why does a community bring an artist into its life? What do the artists and their presence bring to a town and the people who live there?

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How to Survive Being Laid Off

Being laid off can be a financial nightmare, but what isn’t talked about enough is the psychic toll it takes, and the decisions we make around work in the aftermath.

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7 Self-Improvement and Productivity Tips From Incredible Artists

Rather than looking to the usual sources for life hacks — you know, famous CEOs, world leaders, cult leaders — It’s time to look to a profession that often gets a tough rap (yet requires more grit and determination than most): Artists.

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How to Keep Your Team of Creatives from Burning Out

Creative agencies thrive when the people who work there are in a healthy state of mind.

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How Googlers Avoid Burnout (and Secretly Boost Creativity)

You have to “turn it off” to “turn it on” when it matters most.

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10 Productivity Hacks for Creative People

10 productivity hacks for creative people and the challenges that they help to surmount

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Study Links too Much Free Time to Lower Sense of Wellbeing

Research shows there is a ‘sweet spot’ and subjective wellbeing drops off after about five hours.

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You Had a Fight with Your Best Friend at Work. Now What?

It’s not very different from falling out with your spouse or best friends, says Kira Nurieli, CEO of Harmony Strategies Group, a dispute-resolution and crisis-management firm.

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