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How Artists Build the Spirit of a Town

By Deborah Fallows — 2019

Why does a community bring an artist into its life? What do the artists and their presence bring to a town and the people who live there?

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Four Ways to Meaningfully Create a Creative, Committed Workplace Culture

We create meaning in our workplace through creating policies and practices that build a sense of belonging, tap into individual passions, provide avenues of purpose, and establish practices that allow for learning and growth through loss.

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Dear Therapist: I Survived Cancer, but Now I’m Afraid My Husband Resents Me

“For your husband, your illness may have made him acutely aware of not just your mortality, but also his own.”

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I Was Ghosted By My Friends When I Got Cancer

You not calling, as a friend, can actually compound the grief and loss they are feeling. Just pick up the phone, even if you get it wrong, just have a conversation and do your best. Your friend with cancer is still the same person they were before.

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What to Do When a Coworker Has Cancer

Figuring out what to say—or what not to say—can feel daunting.

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What to Do When Your Employee Is Diagnosed with Cancer

All managers know that they need to help their employees through challenging times. But almost no manager is prepared for when one of their direct reports announces that he or she has cancer, despite the fact that more than 1.6 million people will be diagnosed this year.

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When a Coworker Has Cancer: What to Say

When a coworker is diagnosed with cancer, most people simply don’t know what to say. Speechless is the usual reaction.

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10 Ways to Get and Give Emotional Support

Some tips to help you nourish each other's hearts.

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Building Culture