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How Artists Build the Spirit of a Town

By Deborah Fallows — 2019

Why does a community bring an artist into its life? What do the artists and their presence bring to a town and the people who live there?

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The Boss Factor: Making the World a Better Place Through Workplace Relationships

In this article, we argue that there is one essential area where companies can create enormous social value: job satisfaction. Because of the connection between happiness at work and overall life satisfaction, improving employee happiness could make a material difference to the world’s 2.

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10 super inspiring videos on being creative and making the most of it

Being creative is a gift that needs nurturing. It should never be taken for granted. If you’re lucky enough to have the gift, you should be testing how far you can push it.

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Conflict at Work? Empathy Can Smooth Ruffled Feathers

Conflicts at work have the potential to escalate out of control and permanently damage relationships.Gabrielle S.

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