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How Digital Distraction Is Killing Creativity and What to Do About It

By Shama Hyder — 2019

What if there was a way to neutralize the negative effects of digital distraction and increase happiness, health, and creativity in the process? In this piece, Brian Solis gives us a practical, playful, and incredibly powerful approach for doing just that

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How to Enter the ‘Flow State’ for Effortless Creativity

Taking a modern look at a millennia-old concept. We experience the "flow state" when a given task becomes effortless and time slips by without our noticing. The concept has appeared in many ancient philosophies like Stoicism and Taoism, and modern research has confirmed this experience is real.

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The ‘Flow State’: Where Creative Work Thrives

Many of us know what it’s like to be in a state of creative flow. Do you have to wait for inspiration to strike, or can you hack ‘the zone’?

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The Flow (the Zone)— For Writers? What Is It? How Do I Get Into It?

The concept of the flow, or being in the zone for an artist, is very much like the state an athlete achieves (or strives to achieve) for peak performance. It’s that place beyond all the effort, where time is meaningless and everything just flows.

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How Googlers Avoid Burnout (and Secretly Boost Creativity)

You have to “turn it off” to “turn it on” when it matters most.

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What Is Goal Setting and How to Do It Well

Is the goal you have set actually achievable? Whilst humans are industrious, innovative, beings with massive potential for achievement, the goals we set need to be grounded in reality lest we set ourselves up for disappointment.

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Why Being Creative Is Good for You

What is the key to creativity, and how does it help our mental health? Beverley D’Silva speaks to Artist’s Way author Julia Cameron and others about ‘flow,’ fear and curiosity.

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Creative Well-Being