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Inside the Box

By Jessica Olien — 2013

People are biased against creative thinking, despite all of their insistence otherwise.

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SARK’s whimsical, hand-printed, hand-painted books . . . are guides for adults (kids, too) who long to play and be creative, but have forgotten how.

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May 20, 1990: Advice on Life and Creative Integrity from Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson

On May 20, 1990, Bill Watterson, creator of the beloved Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, took the podium at Kenyon College — the same stage David Foster Wallace would occupy 15 years later to deliver his memorable commencement address — and gave the graduating class a gift of equally remarkable insight...

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9 Ways to Show More Confidence in Business

Many entrepreneurs share specific qualities that are vital for starting and growing a business. They are passionate, resilient, focused on opportunities and comfortable with risks. But the quality that might have the most influence over an entrepreneur’s success is confidence.

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7 Self-Improvement and Productivity Tips From Incredible Artists

Rather than looking to the usual sources for life hacks — you know, famous CEOs, world leaders, cult leaders — It’s time to look to a profession that often gets a tough rap (yet requires more grit and determination than most): Artists.

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Creative Burnout Is Inevitable. Here Are 10 Ways to Beat It

Ten pros share their tricks for staying engaged with your work.

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Unplug and Recharge: When Burnout Fries Your Motivation

When burnout wipes the canvas clean, it is an invitation to pick through the ashes and make life new again.

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Creative Well-Being