By Jessica Olien — 2013
People are biased against creative thinking, despite all of their insistence otherwise.
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During the global pandemic and racialized unrest, we all need pathways to calm, clarity and openheartedness. While it’s natural to feel fear during times of great collective crises, our challenge is that fear easily takes over our lives.
Through the practice of meditation, there are certain changes that happen in the mind. One of the most important changes is that you become master of your mind.
Once you begin meditating daily, life as you knew it will begin to take on some interesting twists and turns.
Meditation broadens our perspective and deepens our courage. The spaciousness of mind and greater ease of heart that arise through balanced awareness and compassion are fundamental components of a resilient spirit.
We all know that unmanaged stress can be destructive. But are there positive sides to stress as well?
Dr. Richard Davidson explains that well-being is a skill that can be practiced and strengthened.