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The Only Person You Compete with When You Are a Writer Is Yourself

By Brian Kurian — 2019

You have to hold yourself accountable to your own goals.

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5 Personal and Business Challenges that Strike Entrepreneurs

The life of an entrepreneur isn’t necessarily easy. As the pop-culture phrase has it: “The struggle is real.”

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Self-Discipline for Self-Employed People (Especially Creatives)

It recently dawned on me that I struggle with self-discipline. After years of robotically doing tasks imposed by others without having much choice about what to do and the order to do it, the ability to organise my own life exactly how I wanted it has at times proved to be daunting.

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10 Productivity Hacks for Creative People

10 productivity hacks for creative people and the challenges that they help to surmount

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What Is Goal Setting and How to Do It Well

Is the goal you have set actually achievable? Whilst humans are industrious, innovative, beings with massive potential for achievement, the goals we set need to be grounded in reality lest we set ourselves up for disappointment.

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Three Surefire Ways to Get More Stuff Done

Here is a short list of the best ideas and habits to use every day in order to be more successful in life. All of these tips require some planning and preparation but are worth the effort.

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Creative Well-Being