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The Only Person You Compete with When You Are a Writer Is Yourself

By Brian Kurian — 2019

You have to hold yourself accountable to your own goals.

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How Googlers Avoid Burnout (and Secretly Boost Creativity)

You have to “turn it off” to “turn it on” when it matters most.

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Why 30 Minutes of Nature a Day Is So Good for Your Health

Science is showing how immersion in nature speeds healing and acts as an antidote for many ailments.

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The Science of Willpower

Contrary to popular belief, willpower is not an innate trait that you're either born with or without. Rather it's a complex mind-body response that can be compromised by stress, sleep deprivation and nutrition and that can be strengthened through certain practices.

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Burnout: Facing the Damage of ‘Chronic Workplace Stress’

In a world where it seems as though the pressure to perform is always on, more and more people are admitting to burnout at work. What is this phenomenon, and how can you cope with it if it happens to you?

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Are You Working too Hard?

We all know that unmanaged stress can be destructive. But are there positive sides to stress as well?

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Creative Well-Being