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The Only Person You Compete with When You Are a Writer Is Yourself

By Brian Kurian — 2019

You have to hold yourself accountable to your own goals.

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5 Personal and Business Challenges that Strike Entrepreneurs

The life of an entrepreneur isn’t necessarily easy. As the pop-culture phrase has it: “The struggle is real.”

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The 8 Biggest Challenges for New Entrepreneurs

For new and young entrepreneurs, there are some unique challenges that are especially difficult to overcome. If you’re just getting into the game, or you’re thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, be prepared for these eight significant hurdles.

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The New Challenges of Entrepreneurship—And How Founders Are Solving Each One

Overcoming challenges as an entrepreneur is part of the job description. But believing that you can do this, and scanning for the solutions to get you there, is what has helped these business owners achieve their goals.

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Creative Power: How Cultural Entrepreneurship Could Shape the Post-Covid World

Today, we recognize cultural entrepreneurship to be both the economic power of creative industries and the unique strength that creative individuals bring to traditional entrepreneurship as leaders, managers and innovators.

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‘I Feel the Creativity Out in the World’: How One Agency CEO is Energized by Everything Around Him

As part of our series on life hacks from highly creative people, Rob Pierre, CEO of digital agency Jellyfish, reveals what he does to keep the inspired ideas flowing – even when he’s under pressure.

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How to Keep Your Team of Creatives from Burning Out

Creative agencies thrive when the people who work there are in a healthy state of mind.

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The Anxiety that Limits Your Creative Genius

Many professions require you to think flexibly and improvise all day long—but constant pressure to be inventive could be holding you back.

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The Cure to a Creative Block is Making Something You’ll Never Show Anyone Else

So making songs now that I know aren’t going to be heard by anybody else, it is an interesting thing. Because I think you have to do that now as an artist. I really do. —Donald Glover, Grantland interview

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Your Top Rival Can Be Your Biggest Ally

Friendly competition can expand the “win” pie and enhance your performance.

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Yes, You Can Be Too Competitive. Here’s Why, and How to Stop.

It makes me wonder: Is competition a good thing? Are competitive people happy? And is being competitive good for individuals or, for that matter, society? With top competitive athletes such as gymnastics’ Simone Biles, tennis’s Naomi Osaka and football’s Richard Sherman talking openly about...

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Creative Well-Being